Destiny Terrell
Our CEO Destiny Terrell is a business major at UNCG, natural hair stylist, alkaline diet enthusiast, and believes in holistic medicine. She has been interested in making healthy DIY products since she was 11 years old. She started with making mini concoctions of hair and face masks using clean ingredients.
Our number 1 priority for SevenInTheSun is clean ingredients. Anything that touches the skin has access to your pores and therefore has access to your bloodstream which can affect your health. A lot of big brand products contain harsh chemicals that can create long term underlying health issues. These products may contain parabens, phthalates, PEG’s etc which can cause different types of cancer, high blood pressure, diabetes, endocrine disorder etc.
Destiny Terrell was first inspired to create SevenInTheSun by her birth chart. She was born a Leo on August 7th, seven pounds, born seven days before her due date, with each first , middle and last name coincidentally being seven letters. Not to mention she figured this out when she was seven! This number has had a forever lasting impact on her life and of course had to be incorporated in her dream business. “I always see sevens when I’m hitting a major change in life, or I feel my angels are protecting me”.
Terrell found her interest in herbalism after her father was diagnosed with cancer in 2018. Researching the results of herbs healing the body within as well as on the outside. Destiny created all the aspects in her life that uniquely made herself, her, in her brand. Beautifully handmade, vegan and organic, our products are meant to respect and nurture your body. Allowing you to embrace your inner lion/lioness and feel beautiful in your skin.
SevenInTheSun believes that we can heal and nurture ourselves through nature.